Calgary West Central Primary Care Network


The Circle of Wisdom Elders & Seniors Centre

The Circle of Wisdom Elders & Seniors Centre serves Calgary and area Indigenous seniors. The centre empowers, supports, and nurtures Indigenous seniors and elders with access to traditional medicines, ceremonies, Indigenous language, and traditional elders....

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Seniors’ Centre Without Walls

Edmonton Southside PCN's Seniors' Centre Without Walls (SCWW) offers varied programming over the phone or Zoom to break through the barriers of loneliness and isolation for older adults. Free of charge, the phone- or Zoom-based (audio only) program puts out a new...

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Dementia Network Calgary

Dementia Network Calgary (DNC) works to improve the quality of life for everyone impacted by dementia: The person with dementia and their family members, friends, and community. DNC provides: Conversation Cafes that bring people together to share experiences and...

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Elder Abuse Prevention Team and Elder Abuse Response Team

There are two teams in Calgary that assist older adults who are experiencing elder abuse: Non-criminal abuse: The Elder Abuse Prevention Team (EAPT) provides social work support to older adults experiencing elder abuse that falls outside the justice system and...

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Dementia Advice

Available through Health Link (811), the Dementia Advice telephone service provides support for people living with dementia and their caregivers who require: Health-related advice Education or information Emotional support for events that occur during the course of...

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The Way In

The Way In is a collaboration of Calgary-based agencies dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and access to services and support for vulnerable older adults and their families at no cost. Their outreach workers will provide information and connect people (with...

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AHS Advance Care Planning

Sunday, April 16 is Advance Care Planning Day, creating a timely opportunity to share resources. AHS has information for patients and multiple tools, learning modules, and resources for health professionals: Advance care planning and goals of care...

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Alzheimer’s Society of Calgary

The Alzheimer Society of Calgary provides free critical support services to anyone impacted by dementia in the Calgary area. They are an information hub with: Registered social workers for people to talk to about community resources, caregiving strategies, etc. Online...

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Specialist LINK geriatric medicine pathway

Specialist LINK’s geriatric medicine access pathway presents multiple options for primary care physicians seeking assistance with their senior patients. In addition to eReferral Advice Requests through Alberta Netcare for a response within five days, it outlines...

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Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society

Calgary Seniors’ Resource Society provides a broad range of community-based volunteer and social work services aimed at ensuring seniors are thriving and valued members of society. They have four programs: SeniorConnect: Urgent (within 24 hours) social work response...

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