Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Addiction and Mental Health Helpline

Dec 8, 2021

Addiction and Mental Health Helpline

Dec 8, 2021

The Health Link, Addiction and Mental Health Helpline (AMH) program is a confidential service that offers all Albertans help via two toll-free helplines available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Helplines and access:

  • The Mental Health Helpline (1.877.303.2642) offers help for mental health concerns and information about related programs and services.
  • The Addiction Helpline (1.866.332.2322) provides alcohol, tobacco, other drugs, and problem-gambling support, information, and referral information.
  • Albertans can also reach the AMH program by calling Health Link (811), selecting clinical services (press two), and then addiction mental health (press two again).
  • The AMH program does not require a referral.

AMH overview:

The program is a multidisciplinary team of registered professionals — nurses, psychologists, social workers, and occupational therapists — who provide:

  • Crisis or emergency services for mental health and addiction
  • Community resource information
  • Brief interventions for all presentations
  • Concurrent capability to fully integrate support for substance use disorders
  • Specialized clinical practice areas (e.g., trauma/PTSD, chronic suicidality/self-harm, child/family, psychotic spectrum)
  • Support for complex presentations (e.g., crisis intervention, community maintenance, collaboration with care partners)


The AMH clinicians have the training and skills to serve the needs of all Albertans, including children and familiesyouth, and adults living in the community.

Referral Process

The AMH program does not require a referral.