Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Dementia Network Calgary

Jan 3, 2023

Dementia Network Calgary

Jan 3, 2023

Dementia Network Calgary (DNC) works to improve the quality of life for everyone impacted by dementia: The person with dementia and their family members, friends, and community.

DNC provides:

  • Conversation Cafes that bring people together to share experiences and information in a facilitated, confidential setting
  • Community gatherings to discuss relevant topics for people impacted by dementia
  • Resources for caregivers that they can print at home


Anyone with a connection to dementia or an interest in it — a diagnosis is not necessary

Referral Process

No referral needed:

  • All upcoming Conversation Cafes, community gatherings, and education opportunities are on DNC’s events calendar with registration information.
  • Caregiver resources are on their print-at-home tools web page