Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Adult Addiction Services Calgary

Nov 10, 2021

Adult Addiction Services Calgary

Nov 10, 2021

Adult Addiction Services Calgary (AASC) and the Rapid Access Addiction Medicine Clinic (RAAM) are part of the Calgary Zone Addiction and Mental Health Program within AHS.

The clinic provides non-judgmental, patient-centred care and treatment for individuals who use substances or have other addiction issues and their family members for free.

Their four major services are:

  1. One-on-one and group counselling
  2. Pharmacotherapy (RAAM)
  3. Six-week intensive therapy day program, Monday – Thursday, 9 a.m. – noon, currently via Zoom
  4. Mobile services situated throughout Calgary to address patients who may have barriers accessing virtual care or their main site (7070 10th Ave. S.W., third floor)

Patients can also access their addiction counsellors at SORCe, located on the City Hall C-Train platform at 316 7th Ave. S.E.


Anyone who wants information or to talk to someone about their substance use or a particular addictive behaviour is eligible. Clients must be 18 years of age or older.

Family members can access services as a client with or without their loved one being a client. Each family member will be assigned their own counsellor.

Referral Process

Individuals can self-refer at any time by calling 403.367.5000.

For addiction medicine services, health professionals can also fax a referral form to 403.367.5010.

Wait Time

Self-referrals via phone will have same-day intake, which means talking to a trained addiction counsellor.

A physician will see direct RAAM referrals within one to five days.