Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Senior Services

Team-based Care

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Senior Services

The Senior Services team provides integrated, team-based consultative care to patients who are 65 years or older or physiologically aged. Referrals will be triaged based on indicated need(s).

How to refer

All members can refer their patients to Senior Services via the CWC Primary Care Centre referral form.

When referring, please:

  • Provide a detailed referral using the referral form to help the team triage efficiently
  • Complete the safety section of the referral form
  • Consider giving the patient or their caregiver the Senior Services patient handout from our Programs & Services Guide

Program details

Senior Services comprises a specialized team — geriatric nurses, geriatric psychiatrists, social work, and neurologists — who can complete in-depth assessments, which may include:

  • Cognitive screening
  • Environmental risk assessment
  • Fall assessment
  • Functional assessment
  • Medication review
  • Nutritional assessment

They can also play a key role as advocates for patients who may be isolated or without family and assist patients and families with navigating the healthcare and community support systems.

Team members can see patients in their home, virtually, at the family physician’s office, or at the Primary Care Centre.

Available to
  • A
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  • E
  • C
  • P
Available to
  • A
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  • C
  • P

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