Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Resources for Your Clinic

Practice Support

Resources for Your Clinic

To assist members and their clinics, our PCN offers access and links to:

  • Privacy resources, templates, and training
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) resources, information, and video training
  • Posters for your clinic


Privacy Impact Assessment resources

These curated resources and sample template are provided to assist members in completing Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) as per their obligation under Section 64 of the Health Information Act (HIA). The template does not constitute a completed PIA in their current form and further information must be included prior to submission to the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta, particularly in relation to your dealings with personal health information.

Furthermore, members must neither hold the CWC PCN accountable for their failure to comply with their privacy obligations as stipulated in the HIA nor will the PCN be responsible for their misuse in relation to the use or circulation of these templates.

The Accelerating Change Transformation Team offers a CII/CPAR PIA endorsement letter template. Direct link to download the template:

The AMA’s tools and resources web page has more privacy resources that that may be of use to you.

PIA-specific resources from the AMA web page:

You can also download an annotated PIA template from Alberta Health from the Alberta Government’s Open Government Portal:

Mandatory breach reporting resources

To assist physicians acting as custodians, the CWC PCN offers three documents with information on:

  • When there is a mandatory requirement to report a breach
  • What factors are to be considered in determining risk of harm
  • The information that must be included in the notification to the Privacy Commissioner, Health Minister, and the affected individual


Please visit the AMA’s tools and resources web page for more privacy breach resources:

Free online privacy training for you and your staff

Our dedicated, 20-minute privacy training video is designed exclusively for the clinical staff of our members. This essential training will enrich your team with the knowledge and practices needed to uphold the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality in patient care.

Key takeaways:

  • Alberta’s privacy legislation: Understand the legal framework that protects patient information
  • The essence of confidentiality: Learn why maintaining confidentiality is pivotal to patient trust and care
  • Protective best practices: Discover strategies and practices to safeguard patient information effectively
  • Practical operation tips: Equip yourself with daily actionable tips to enhance privacy in your clinical operations
  • Alberta Netcare: Utilize Netcare responsibly to protect patient information
  • Managing privacy incidents: Understand the protocols for handling privacy breaches, ensuring swift and appropriate responses

The AMA offers interactive privacy training through the online Learn@AMA platform. The on-demand training allows physicians and clinic staff to learn at their own pace, discuss topics of interest with their peers, and access helpful resources and tools.

Visit the AMA’s privacy training web page to learn more.


Our PCN is committed to providing a healthy and safe work environment for all our team members, contractors, patients, and visitors. There is also a shared responsibility between our PCN and member clinics to ensure a suitable work environment for PCN staff.

To minimize the occurrence of workplace incidents, injuries, and illnesses, we have an OHS management system and offer the following resources to assist our members and their clinics.

OHS management system support

An OHS management system should be developed and maintained to prevent and reduce the occurrence of workplace incidents, injuries, and illnesses. You may want to build procedures for these topics as part of your OHS management system:

  • Handling medical emergencies outside of the clinic
  • Managing hostile patients in the clinic and de-escalating potentially violent situations
  • Reporting, investigating, and debriefing after incidents, accidents, near misses, and whistleblowing
  • Preventing harassment and violence
  • Emergencies and evacuations
  • Hazard identification, assessment, and control
  • Worksite inspections
  • Staff education, orientation, and training
  • Managing the OHS management system, including appointing a health and safety representative or creating a joint workplace health and safety committee as per legislative requirements for your workplace

Resources and contacts

De-escalating potentially violent situations (video)


Zero tolerance

Patient attachment

Primary Care Centre: Access Appointment Service

Patient e-newsletter: Community Health Connect


Face mask and hand hygiene

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