Calgary West Central Primary Care Network


Primary Care Centre

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This same-day service provides timely access to RhoGAM/WinRho for Rh-negative patients at the time of miscarriage, during pregnancy, or post-partum.

Encounter notes are faxed immediately to the patient’s family physician following the appointment to maintain continuity of care.

How to refer

All members can refer their patients using the RhoGAM/WinRho Referral Form and faxing the completed document and necessary blood work/antibody screen as indicated to 403.258.2748.

Program details

Patients are seen at the Primary Care Centre within 24 hours of referral.

RhoGAM/WinRho is recommended for the prevention of Rh immunization of Rho(D) negative women at risk of developing Rh antibodies. RhoGAM/WinRho should be administered to women satisfying the above conditions at about 28 weeks gestation when the child’s father Is Rho(D) positive or unknown.

RhoGAM/WinRho should be administered within 72 hours after delivery if the baby is Rho(D) positive or unknown. RhoGAM/WinRho administration is recommended in women within 72 hours after spontaneous or induced abortion, amniocentesis, chorion villus sampling, ruptured tubal pregnancy, abdominal trauma, or transplacental hemorrhage unless the blood type of the fetus or father are confirmed to be Rho(D) negative. RhoGAM/WinRho should be administered as soon as possible in the case of maternal bleeding due to threatened abortion.

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