Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Prescription to Get Active

Partners & External Services

Prescription to Get Active

Prescription to Get Active (RxTGA) is a uniquely designed prescription that gives prescribers the opportunity to discuss the importance of physical activity and grant patients access to community recreation and other online resources.

All physician members are eligible to participate in the RxTGA program as prescribers.

How to refer

You can give eligible patients a prescription in three ways:

  • A verbal prescription during a virtual or phone appointment; the patient can then register with the program on the RxTGA website or by calling 1.866.212.7552 (toll free)
  • The EMR form (integrated into Accuro, AVA, CHR, Health Quest, Med Access, and PS Suite) during in-person visits
  • The RxTGA pad during in-person visits

For additional RxTGA pads, please contact your Physician Liaison or Member Services & Engagement.

Resources for prescribers:

Program details

With a prescription, your patient gains:

  • Free trial access to participating recreation and fitness facilities
  • No-obligation trials for online movement and exercise videos led by qualified fitness instructors
  • Remote engagement and behavioural support
  • Downloadable guides (e.g., Balance Guide for Seniors, Stretching Program)

Patient eligibility

  • The patient is below the Canadian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines:
    • Children and youth (0 – 17 years): Less than 60 minutes per day
    • Adults and seniors (18 – 65-plus years): Less than 150 minutes per week
  • The patient can participate in unsupervised physical activity without medical clearance

RxTGA resources

EMR-specific information:

  • Accuro: form name is “Prescription to Get Active”; keyword is “RxTGA”
    • You can search for the form by name or keyword in the “cloud” directory and download it. It is saved under the “Alberta Forms” directory.
    • Instructions with images
  • AVA: form name is “Prescription To Get Active – 2024version”
  • Collaborative Health Record (CHR): form name is “Prescription to Get Active RxTGA (AB)”
  • HealthQuest: form name is “Prescription To Get Active” (you will see it available the next time you update your forms in HealthQuest)
  • Med Access: form name is “Referral: Prescription To Get Active (AB)”
  • PS Suite: form name is “Prescription to Get Active RXTGA-Referral Form”

RxTGA posters:

Available to
  • A
  • S
  • E
  • C
  • P