To fit your schedule, you can now watch the 17-minute recording of the Access Appointment Service webinar at your convenience and share it with your clinic’s staff.
Dementia Advice line recording
Representatives from Health Link’s Dementia Advice line presented to our PCN’s team members in October to raise awareness of their service.
CME Connect: Sex, gender, dementia recording
Whenever you have time, you can now watch the 75-minute recording of the CME Connect webinar on sex, gender, and dementia from Oct. 17.
PrescribeIT recording: Hear from a physician
PrescribeIT is a national e-prescribing service that enables physicians to electronically create, receive, renew, and cancel prescriptions directly from their EMR at no additional cost.
Watch the Accuro webinar recording
You can now review the one-hour recording of the EMR Series: Accuro Part Two webinar whenever it fits your schedule.
Seniors’ Centre Without Walls recording
A community liaison from the Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) provided our team members a community partner presentation in June.
Feature: Senior Services recording, answers to top questions
Get to know all about our Senior Services team by watching the 20-minute recording of the webinar (or find it in the CME & PD archive any time) for insight and answers about the program.
Engagement event, PPIP resources
Thank you to all the members who attended the in-person event on June 5 about our Board, QI, and the CPSA’s Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP).
Watch the CME Connect, Transition Planning recordings
Find the recordings from the recent CME Connect: Aging in Place and Transition Planning webinars at any time in the CME & PD archive or watch now:
Advance Care Planning recording, resources
The AHS Advance Care Planning team provided a community partner spotlight presentation for our team members in April, and the 30-minute recording may be of interest to you.