Calgary West Central Primary Care Network


Billing Rejections recording

You can now watch the two-hour recording of the Billing Rejections webinar or find it in the CME & PD archive at any time. Open the full recording or jump to the topic of interest: Helpful resources, contacts, and introductory tips for rejections Common...

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Unlock payroll efficiency: Recording

The one-hour recording of the payroll webinar is available for on-demand review and in the CME & PD archive. You can watch the full recording or jump to a topic in the recording: Payroll apps that make payroll easier and how to select an app Changes to CPP (impact...

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Billing, CVD risk screening recordings

For on-demand access, we have posted the recordings from the recent billing webinar and the quick cardiovascular (CVD) risk screening webinar to our CME & PD archive for review whenever it fits your schedule. You can watch the full two-hour billing recording or...

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