The Senior Services team is fully staffed following a physician-recruitment drive and has reduced their waitlist significantly.
Programs & Services
Primary Care Centre extending holiday, weekend hours
Effective Saturday, April 1, the Access Appointment Service at the Primary Care Centre will expand its weekend and holiday hours to 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. The new hours of operation will: Increase after-hours capacity during times when many clinics are closed Better align...
Celebrating Canadian Women Physicians Day
On March 11, we recognized the third annual Canadian Women Physicians Day with posts on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn that celebrated women physicians and our members. We appreciate all our physician members and remind you of our programs and services that support...
PS Guide: UpToDate
We offer all members a complimentary UpToDate subscription to access its evidence-based clinical decision support resources. Information in UpToDate is: Evidence-based and continuously updated Presented as a comprehensive synthesis of the evidence followed by...
Lexicomp via UpToDate is only the tip of the iceberg
Only 20 per cent of Lexicomp is available to you through UpToDate. Using the full version of Lexicomp online or on mobile quickly gives you: Drug-allergy interactions not available through UpToDate Patient handouts in up to 20 languages versus three languages in...
Psychology Month highlight: CWC PCN Mental Health Program
In fiscal 2020-21, 32,709 patients in the west central area of Calgary accessed community mental health resources, with many beginning that journey with their primary care physician. When your patients reach out for additional support, our Mental Health Program can...
PS Guide: CME & PD
Our CME & PD program supports members with free educational opportunities in four priority areas: Practice support Community Services, Transitions, and Integration Patient Medical Home Primary care partnerships CME & PD opportunities past and present for you:...
PMH teams and the ASaP update
The Alberta Screening and Prevention (ASaP) 2022 update expanded the recommended biennial mammography age range for average-risk women to 45 - 74 from 50 - 74. Effective Jan. 1, PMH teams are using the new age range for reporting and will discuss the change, its...
Social Worker referral resource
Our Social Worker team can assist patients of any age access support and navigate the health system for a broad — but not infinite — range of needs and concerns. To help members send the team appropriate referrals, the Social Worker role profile in the Programs &...
PSP: ‘That information is really valuable’
With support from their clinic manager and our PCN, the three physician members of Fairmount Medical Clinic went live on CII/CPAR at the end of February and are seeing the benefits.