Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Community service

June patient e-newsletter

The June issue of our e-newsletter to the public, Community Health Connect, included articles on: Recruiting volunteers for our Patient Advisory Council Our support for 24-hour blood pressure monitoring Migraine Awareness Month You can contact your Physician Liaison...

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May patient e-newsletter

The May patient e-newsletter included articles on our Dietitian Program, family physician recognition, the Patient Experience Survey, and more

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Screening for Life

Screening for Life (AHS Screening Programs) leads and coordinates three provincial, population-based programs for breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening, and a lung cancer screening program pilot for individuals at high risk.

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Stabilization funding

The AMA began distributing transitional funding support payments to eligible physicians on April 4. Only about half of the family and rural physicians who are eligible to receive funding of $24,000 to $40,000 have signed up for the program. To apply: Visit the...

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Remedies for healthcare conflict (podcast episode)

On a recent one-hour episode of the Physician’s Guide to Doctoring, a guest host and guest explored practical strategies and the psychological underpinnings of conflicts in medical settings, highlighting the potential for positive change. Highlights: Effective...

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