A joint AHS-AMA letter provides an update on Connect Care progress and plans related to the two surveys they conducted on specialist physician and AHS clinician satisfaction in February and March (survey results).
Community service
Community partner spotlight: The Summit
Calgary youth, children, and families now have another option to help with mental health support.
Community partner spotlight: Seniors phone-based program
Edmonton Southside PCN’s Seniors’ Centre Without Walls (SCWW) offers varied programming over the phone or Zoom to break through the barriers of loneliness and isolation for older adults.
New member discount for Fresh Prep
We have secured members a discount code that will give you $120 off your first four orders from Fresh Prep.
Introducing Dr. Roseanne Penner
Meet Dr. Roseanne Penner, a physician since 1998 and member of our PCN who works at Saluté Family Medicine.
ACFP: Committee openings
The ACFP’s First Five Years in Family Practice (FFYFP) Committee is recruiting three physicians to join them for three-year terms.
Patient e-newsletter: May edition
The May issue of our e-newsletter to the public, Community Health Connect, included articles:
Thank you, physician members
In May, we join many others in thanking physicians as it is:
AHS: Pediatric eating, swallowing resources
Pediatric feeding disorders are common, a complex area of practice, and can negatively impact quality of life.
Community partner spotlight: The Hope Platform
The Hope Platform was created by a research-based team at the U of C’s Faculty of Nursing to support adult women’s mental health in six areas