Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Oct. 1: The 2024 AGM

Jul 11, 2024

Oct. 1: The 2024 AGM

Tuesday, Oct. 1 | 6:30 p.m. | Online


The 2024 AGM needs you.

Physician members like you are vital for our PCN and its governance — be it by attending the AGM live or by proxy or running as a candidate

There are four openings on the Board of Directors to be filled at the AGM:

  • One one-year term
  • Three three-year terms

Six candidates are running for the four openings — requiring an election.

Play your part in the 2024 AGM by:

  • Registering and attending the 2024 AGM of the CWC P.G. Co. online
  • Submitting a proxy and discussing your voting preferences with the member you select as your representative if you cannot attend live
  • Nominating yourself or a colleague to run for a seat on our Board of Directors — nomination deadline is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17 — or learning about the six candidates running for the Board

To conduct business, our Articles of Association requires that 20 per cent of our members attend the AGM live or by proxy.

So please register or submit a proxy as soon as you can. The registration-proxy deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30.

The 2024 AGM will:

  • Respect your time by focusing on business — important motions, the auditor’s report, members’ AGM-related questions, and the Board of Directors election
  • Use familiar online tools you have used before
  • Start as soon as we have reached quorum — 20 per cent of members in attendance live or by proxy — on the evening of Tuesday, Oct. 1

You can also email AGM-related questions to the Board ahead of the event. If we cannot answer a question during the AGM, we will answer it by email afterward.

A small investment of time: The last several online AGMs have taken about 30 minutes each, so please share a brief part of your evening with us to support this important meeting.

Register or proxy today

Notice of Meeting

The Notice of Meeting package, distributed Aug. 28, contains the:

  • AGM Notice of Meeting letter from our Board Chair, Dr. Vincent Vong
  • Agenda
  • Proxy instructions
  • Board nominee form
  • 2023-24 CWC P.G. Co. Audited Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report
  • 2023 AGM Meeting Minutes

Open the Notice of Meeting package

Questions? Contact your Physician Liaison.

AGM banner

Event Details

This is a single day virtual event and is organized by the CWC PCN.

  • Date October 1, 2024
  • Start Time 6:30 pm

Registration Information

Register to attend the 2024 AGM live or submit a proxy today.