Dr. George Barr announces he is available for consultations. I’m a CCFP, but have a special interest in mental health. I accept referrals from family doctors, psychologists, or behavioural health consultants.
Dr. Lynn Peterson accepting referrals: IUD clinic, minor surgery clinic, botox migraine treatments
Dr. Peterson specializes in women’s health, migraine treatments and minor procedures, offering clinic-based services with minimal wait times for minor surgery bookings.
Lakeview Medical Clinic accepting dermatology referrals
Lakeview Medical Clinic is accepting new patients for the following conditions: skin rash, lump and bumps, nails changes, hair loss, skin mole, migraine (Botox for migraine treatment and prevention), varicose veins assessment and treatment.
Breastfeeding assessment and low-risk obstetrics
Some CWC PCN physician members and clinics offer specialized services that may benefit you and your patients.
Breastfeeding Clinic at Westglen Medical Centre
The Westglen Medical Centre Breastfeeding Clinic, located in the southwest, is a full-service, physician-based lactation clinic serving the Calgary West Central PCN. We are open six days a week with some evenings. Same-day appointments are available.
Contraceptive implants and IUD referrals
Dr. Michele Moss at the Richmond Square IUD Clinic is now accepting referrals for Nexplanon Subdermal Contraceptive Implants as well as IUDs.
ECG readings
Dr. Brian Boyd is available to read ECGs in a very timely manner.
Consults for PrEP management
Dr. Carrie Abrahamson is accepting referrals from physicians for PrEP — Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for HIV — a daily medication for eligible patients to take to prevent HIV infection.
Chronic migraine treatment at Westside Medical
Dr. Zoe Filyk is available for consultation in identifying patients with chronic migraines who are qualified to get Botox treatment. Botox is covered by insurance plans and Alberta Health Care.