A new pathway has been unveiled for adolescents under 18 years of age who are suffering from abnormal uterine bleeding.
Specialties set to be added to FAST
Effective Monday, Dec. 2, referrals for neurosurgery, oral maxillofacial surgery, and plastic surgery will go through the FAST.
CPAR: Correcting primary care provider info
Physicians incorrectly identified as a patient’s primary care provider and receiving information via CPAR can request a correction.
COVID-19 testing update
Free test kits for COVID-19 rapid antigen testing are no longer available.
November 2024 patient e-newsletter
The November issue of our public-facing e-newsletter shared information for Fall Prevention Month, immunization season, and chronic pain.
Patient referral info in MPR
Effective Oct.31, patients can view referral information for urology consults entered in the Netcare eReferral system through My Personal Records (MPR).
Specialist Link call-back time change
The turnaround time for Specialist Link tele-advice return calls has changed from one hour to two hours.
Supporting healthy aging through Senior Services
Our Senior Services team provides comprehensive support for your patients with age-related conditions and their families and caregivers.
CME Connect seniors driving recording, resources
The 90-minute recording of the CME Connect on older adults and driving from Oct. 22 is now available in the CME & PD archive for you to review anytime.
Safety excellence recognition (2024), resources
The annual Canada’s Safest Employer Awards recently named our PCN a 2024 excellence awardee in the Canada’s Safest Public Sector/Non-Profit Employer category, and we have resources to share.