Calgary West Central Primary Care Network


PPIP project presentations

Thank you to those who attended our in-person physician engagement event. Several of the presenting physicians have made their PPIP presentations available to our members.

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New fibromyalgia pathway

A new Calgary Zone pathway has been developed to support family physicians, nurse practitioners and teams to diagnose and manage fibromyalgia.

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AHLP: Clarifying workshops

The Alberta Healthy Living Program – Calgary Zone has created a one-pager to clarify the differences between their two Better Choices, Better Health workshops — chronic disease versus chronic pain.

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Remunerated pilot: Automating pathways

Calgary-and-area PCNs have partnered with Mikata to pilot the automation of two pathways — Headache and Migraine and Maternity — using the Mikata Platform. The pilot is recruiting participants who: Use Telus Med Access, Telus PS Suite, or QHR Accuro EMR Regularly...

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