Effective Sept. 4, the lower age range for fasting and random glucose reference intervals changed from less than 30 days to less than 72 hours. The lower end of the less than 72-hour reference interval is adjusted from 2.5 mmol/L to 2.6 mmol/L. Read the lab...
Clinical indications for urine cytology
Effective immediately, the following changes are being made to promote appropriate use of lab resources for urine cytology.
Proactive outreach, screening efforts support patient well-being
How our Health Information Coordinators and Patient Care Coordinators work together to conduct proactive screening and outreach initiatives.
Enhance your clinic’s trauma-informed response, ability
Join us on Tuesday, Oct. 29 at 6 p.m. for a three-hour Trauma-Informed Leadership webinar that has been designed by physicians, specifically for physicians.
CWC: Environmental impact of inappropriate medication use (webinar)
On Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 10 a.m., join Choosing Wisely Canada (CWC) for an online panel discussion on medication use and its impact on the environment.
Community partner spotlight: Virtual chronic pain program
The Alberta Virtual Chronic Pain Program delivers quality non-pharmacological chronic pain care through a group education treatment program over Zoom.
Your 2024 AGM Notice of Meeting package
Sharing the Notice of Meeting package with you for the upcoming 2024 AGM of the CWC P.G. Co. on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:30 p.m.
New Physiotherapy Program
New Physiotherapy Program from your PCN (no cost for eligible patients).
How we help: PPIP
In the fall of 2023, our PCN launched a Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) support initiative. Available to all members, this initiative aimed to support you while you worked to complete the three required PPIP activities. We developed several resources to...
RxTGA: Prescribe physical activity
With Prescription to Get Active, you can prescribe physical activity to your patients and grant access to community recreation and other resources.