Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Your 2024 AGM Notice of Meeting package

Aug 28, 2024

Your 2024 AGM Notice of Meeting package

Aug 28, 2024

Dear colleagues,

Tonight, I am pleased to share the Notice of Meeting package with you for the upcoming 2024 AGM of the CWC P.G. Co. on Tuesday, Oct. 1 at 6:30 p.m.

For a successful AGM, our Articles of Association require that 20 per cent of members attend the online business meeting live or by proxy.

There are also four openings on our Board to be filled: One one-year term and three three-year terms.

So I encourage all members to participate by:

  • Registering and attending the 2024 AGM of the CWC P.G. Co. online
  • Submitting a proxy and discussing your voting preferences with the member who will attend that you select as your representative if you cannot attend live
  • Nominating yourself or a colleague to run for a seat on our Board of Directors — the nomination deadline is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 17

I also encourage you to email any questions about the AGM to the Board ahead of the meeting. If we cannot answer a question during the event, we will answer it by email afterwards.

Your valuable time: Our PCN plans an efficient, business-focused meeting to respect your time, so please invest what is expected to be about 30 minutes to attend.

The Notice of Meeting package contains the:

  • AGM Notice of Meeting letter
  • Agenda
  • Proxy instructions
  • Board nominee form
  • 2023-24 CWC P.G. Co. Audited Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report
  • 2023 AGM Meeting Minutes

Thank you to everyone who has registered or proxied or will do so in the future. The deadline is 5 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 30.

Register or submit a proxy


Dr. Vincent Vong

Chair, CWC P.G. Co. Board of Directors