You can now submit eligible claims for enhanced virtual mental health services retroactive to Oct. 24, 2023.
Changes in the Schedule of Medical Benefits:
- HSC 08.19CW changed from “per full 15 minutes” to “per 15 minutes or major portion thereof”
- New fee codes are in effect for virtual group therapy (HSCs 08.44AV, 08.44BV, 08.44CV, 08.44DV) and family therapy services (HSCs 08.45V, 08.45AV)
- A new fee code is in place for virtual psychiatric treatment (HSC 08.19GV) of complex patients
- New fee codes have been created for prolonged virtual consultations (HSCs 03.08IV, 03.08JV) and prolonged virtual repeat office visit or scheduled outpatient visit (HSC 03.03FT) for physician skill codes that are currently eligible for select prolonged services
The bulletin’s technical supplement has a complete description of the new virtual health codes, applicable notes, and changes to governing rules and rates.