Our Social Worker team can assist patients of any age access support and navigate the health system for a broad — but not infinite — range of needs and concerns.
To help members send the team appropriate referrals, the Social Worker role profile in the Programs & Services Guide has detailed information about:
- The primary patient needs that social work interventions in primary care can support
- Our Social Workers’ skills, responsibilities, and activities
- The approach if a patient’s needs are assessed as more complex
Patient needs our Social Workers can support include:
- Basic needs, housing, and transportation
- Caregiver and family support, family mediation, and domestic violence
- Financial support, benefits, disability supports and programming, and medical equipment and coverage
- Mental health supports
Out-of-scope patient needs for our Social Workers include urgent care services and referrals for mental health counselling (they cannot provide counselling but can help a patient access it).
Please consult the all-in-one Programs & Services Guide for the role profile, patient handout, and program information and use your best judgment.