Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Psychology Month highlight: CWC PCN Mental Health Program

Feb 15, 2023

Psychology Month highlight: CWC PCN Mental Health Program

Feb 15, 2023

In fiscal 2020-21, 32,709 patients in the west central area of Calgary accessed community mental health resources, with many beginning that journey with their primary care physician.

When your patients reach out for additional support, our Mental Health Program can help with concerns including anxiety, depression, grief, and more.

To refer:

  1. Patients can identify their focus for treatment during their physician visit, or over the phone with a CWC PCN Mental Health Referrals Professional.
  2. Please complete the Referral Form – Mental Health found in your clinic’s EMR. Alternatively, the form can be downloaded and faxed to 855.966.4102.
  3. Within seven business days, the patient will be contacted by a Patient Care Coordinator to book an appointment with the Mental Health Referrals Professional who will work with the patient to identify their goals.
  4. Patients will be provided with self-management resources and may be referred to community services or to a Primary Care Registered Psychologist (PCRP) if they choose. Please note: PCRP referrals are only available for patients of Enhanced or Comprehensive members.

Additional information on our programs and services is available on

A complete list of eligible referral criteria can be found on the Mental Health Program referral form.