Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

New ultrasound machines

Aug 19, 2020

New ultrasound machines

Aug 19, 2020

The CWC PCN provided ultrasound machines to four low-risk obstetrics member clinics on Aug. 4 to assist members in providing care to pregnant patients.

The four Mindray Z6 ultrasound machines can detect if babies are in the breech position (not turned head down) at 36 weeks, allowing for procedures or planning to reduce risk during delivery.

“Bedside ultrasound will allow us to detect fetal presentation,” says Dr. Wesam Salem, a low-risk obstetrics physician member. “Thereby reducing the load on radiology/MFM (Maternal Fetal Medicine) and truly saving the healthcare system money.”

Patients will no longer have to travel offsite to receive an ultrasound, meaning less anxiety from waiting for a radiology appointment, according to Dr. Salem.

Instead, the equipment at the Glenmore Family Physicians, Meadows Maternity and Family Practice, Oak Bay Medical Centre, and Rockyview Maternity and Family Practice Group clinics supports patients onsite.

The CWC PCN consulted with a group of low-risk obstetrics members over the past year to better understand how to support them, leading to the ultrasound equipment after consideration of best practices, benefits to patients and the health system, cost, and equitable access.

All members who oversee low-risk pregnancies can refer to one of the four clinics for a 36-week bedside ultrasound.