Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

New privacy training video

Jun 3, 2024

New privacy training video

Jun 3, 2024

To support members and their staff, our new 20-minute privacy training video will provide your team the knowledge and practices needed to uphold the highest standards of privacy and confidentiality in patient care.

Key takeaways:

  • Alberta’s privacy legislation: Understand the legal framework that protects patient information
  • The essence of confidentiality: Learn why maintaining confidentiality is pivotal to patient trust and care
  • Protective best practices: Discover strategies and practices to safeguard patient information effectively
  • Practical operation tips: Equip yourself with daily actionable tips to enhance privacy in your clinical operations
  • Alberta Netcare: Utilize Netcare responsibly to protect patient information
  • Managing privacy incidents: Understand the protocols for handling privacy breaches, ensuring swift and appropriate responses

This training video aligns with regulatory standards and your dedication to providing care that respects patient privacy and confidentiality.

You or your clinic team can find it at any time on the privacy training section of our resources for the clinic web page.