Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

MAPS update: Second AH meeting with our PCN

Sep 10, 2024

MAPS update: Second AH meeting with our PCN

Sep 10, 2024

Our PCN participated in the second round of PCN-Alberta Health (AH) engagement for the transition to the regional network model on Aug. 28, building on the first meeting and sharing our knowledge, expertise, and ideas.

AH’s aim for the meeting was to gather ideas for the new model. And, in a positive, collaborative conversation, members of our PCN’s leadership — Dr. Vincent Vong, Board Chair; Dr. Amanda Wang, Board Vice-Chair; Christopher Cameron, Executive Director; and Lisa Bergerman, Director of Member Services, Engagement, & Program Design — shared:

  • How our PCN has developed scalable programs, support for QI activities, measurement and evaluation tools and processes, formalized agreements, and service delivery models that address many of the challenges in primary care outlined by AH.
  • That, with additional funding, we can look to expand our existing programs to better meet the needs of unattached patients, ensuring all patients have access to the services we provide.
  • How we leverage our resources, training, policies, and skilled team members to maximize patient-centred, team-based care.

AH reiterated the message from the July town hall that designing the regional network model has not begun as it will be developed during workshops that start in October.

We will continue to engage with AH whenever possible and help keep you updated on progress.

The most recent overall updates from AH were shared in the July 31 town hall and you can review a summary of the town hall for details.

Open the town hall summary