Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Introducing Dr. Zoe Filyk

Jul 15, 2024

Introducing Dr. Zoe Filyk

Jul 15, 2024

Meet Dr. Zoe Filyk, a member of our PCN who works at Westside Medical Clinic.

What do you find most rewarding about being a physician?

Keeping people healthy.

Which CWC PCN program or service do you find most valuable?

Same-day access (Access Appointment Service).

What is a patient or physician program, service, or resource that you would like other physicians to know about?

University of Calgary sports medicine self-booking tool for physiotherapy.

Do you have a special interest within your practice?

Minor surgery

You can’t time travel, but your phone now has the internet from five years in the future. What do you search for first?

GLP-1 agonists: FDA-approved medical conditions.

Watch for more articles about our members in this series to foster a sense of connection amongst our membership and our teams. Members are asked to participate based on random draws.