Effective immediately, family physicians, nurse practitioners, and clinics in the Calgary area are advised to send gynecology referrals directly to the clinic or surgeon of their choice.
A list of local gynecology clinics can be downloaded. Gynecology tele-advice is available via specialistlink.ca. Alberta Netcare eReferral – eConsult is also available.
Facilitated Access to Specialized Treatment (FAST) has been accepting gynecology referrals since June 2024. On Monday, Dec. 23, 2024, a letter to primary care was issued stating that in recent months: “the number of participating specialists has decreased to a point where centralized intake is no longer feasible. In 2025, FAST will revisit the program after consulting with gynecologists and primary care practitioners on how to improve participation to streamline referrals and improve patient access to this important specialty.”
Effective Dec. 24, 2024, providers who send gynecology referrals to FAST will receive a note back informing them of the change of process.
Existing referrals held by FAST will be processed as usual.