Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

How we help: PPIP

Aug 26, 2024

How we help: PPIP

Aug 26, 2024

In the fall of 2023, our PCN launched a Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) support initiative.

Available to all members, this initiative aimed to support you while you worked to complete the three required PPIP activities.

We developed several resources to assist you in understanding the PPIP requirements and hosted various events that supported activity completion, including:

  • EPIQ, ACTT, and charting webinars that were well-attended. These webinars provided valuable insights and practical guidance. Physicians who participated in the ACTT webinar completed a PPIP activity in real-time with the session’s help.
    • 288 participants joined these webinars throughout the year.
  • Consultation sessions with our Quality Improvement Consultant (QIC) to help members identify and engage in QI activities that would fulfill their PPIP requirements.
  • The creation of a PPIP support guide, Action Plan Examples, and a tutorial. These resources were designed to provide clear, actionable steps for completing PPIP activities.
  • The creation of a dedicated PPIP support page on our member-facing website, where all relevant documents and educational resources are hosted.
    • This web page was visited by 261 users throughout the last year.

We were pleased to see so many members join us for webinars and visit our web pages. These resources will continue to be available to you for reference as you need them. Keep an eye on our website and e-newsletters to learn about any upcoming webinars.

If you have any questions about PPIP or the supports available to you, please reach out to your Physician Liaison.

Visit our PPIP page