Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Feature: Senior Services recording, answers to top questions

Jun 21, 2023

Feature: Senior Services recording, answers to top questions

Jun 21, 2023

Get to know all about our Senior Services team by watching the 20-minute recording of the webinar (or find it in the CME & PD archive any time) for insight and answers about the program.

Session takeaways:

  • How the program supports your elderly patients and their caregivers
  • How they triage patients, presented through two example case studies
  • Answers to the most common questions from members (included below)

How does Senior Services differ from AHS Seniors Health?

  • AHS Seniors Health has specific program criteria, often requesting baseline assessments prior to referral. They work with more complex diagnoses and management of patients across the city.
  • Our team can support a broader range of referrals with a primary care focus of resource navigation, health promotion, nursing and physician assessments, and social work support as examples.

Does Senior Services assess capacity?

  • Yes, although it is not generally the primary reason for referral. Capacity assessments are often complex and often require multiple visits. In some cases, referrals are sent to the Regional Capacity Assessment Team or a private capacity assessor.
  • Our team can help provide clarification around the process for capacity and enacting documents.

How long will you follow my patient? How many visits can they expect?

  • The number of visits depends on the patient’s needs.
  • A consultation note is sent back to the referring physician after each encounter.