Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

FAQ for electrodiagnostic reports now in MyHealth Records

Jul 24, 2024

FAQ for electrodiagnostic reports now in MyHealth Records

Jul 24, 2024

Effective June 18, patients can access electrodiagnostic reports — such as ECGs, EEGs, EMGs, stress tests, and Holter monitor reports — in the “My Personal Records” section of their MyHealth Records account.

The “My Personal Records” section now has:

  • Diagnostic imaging reports available in Alberta Netcare from March 2023 onward (first reports made available to patients through the platform)
  • Electrodiagnostic reports available in Alberta Netcare from June onward

For physicians: There is an updated FAQ with information geared toward healthcare providers.

If you are ordering electrodiagnostic testing (or diagnostic imaging), the FAQ suggests you may need to consider:

  • Giving patients more information about the implications of different results when initially ordering a procedure
  • Letting the patient know that they may see the results before you do, and that you may need to evaluate the meaning of the test with other members of the care team before you will be ready to interpret it for the patient (if applicable)

Open the FAQ