Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Cross PPIP Activity 2 off your list

Apr 9, 2024

Cross PPIP Activity 2 off your list

Apr 9, 2024

Check PPIP Activity 2 off your to-do list and audit your charts.

To support our members in meeting the CPSA’s Physician Practice Improvement Program (PPIP) activity two — Standards of Practice requirements — our PCN is hosting a three-part series focused on charting.

Join Charting Coach and practicing family physician Dr. Sarah Smith to:

  • Get PPIP done in a timely manner
  • Conduct a chart audit
  • Discover what charting strategies could work for you

This series will conclude with the drafting of your own action plan related to the Patient Record Content standard of practice.


  • Part one: Thursday, May 2 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. (live online or view recording)
    • Evaluate and learn potential charting strategies
    • Review the CPSA’s Patient Record Content standard of practice
    • Understand how to conduct a chart audit
  • Part two: Saturday, May 11 from 8 to 10 a.m. (live online or on your own time)
    • Dedicated time to conduct an audit on your own patient charts
    • Opportunity to ask questions
  • Part three: Thursday, May 16 from 8 to 9:30 p.m. (required live online)
    • Discuss charting strategies based on your chart audit
    • Finalize your action plan

Register today

Can’t make a session? These sessions are meant to be flexible, and you may still be eligible to complete this series.

  • The first session must be watched live or during your own time before attending the required third session. The recording will be made available to all participants on Friday, May 3.
  • The second session will act as a working session for your chart audit, allowing physicians to ask questions during a dedicated time. This session is optional as your chart audit can be completed independently if you’d prefer.
  • The third session is mandatory and must be attended live online with a completed chart audit ready and a drafted action plan.

You will be eligible for up to five certified Mainpro+ credits (through Linking Learning Exercise) and up to five non-certified credits.

Registration for this series is open to all our physician members.

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