Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Community partner spotlight: Rehabilitation advice

Oct 10, 2023

Community partner spotlight: Rehabilitation advice

Oct 10, 2023

The Rehabilitation Advice Line is a telephone service that provides rehabilitation advice and general health information for Albertans of any age.

Staffed by occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and therapy assistants, the advice line can:

  • Assess your patients’ rehabilitation needs over the phone
  • Speak to parents, guardians, or caregivers about a child’s development or well-being
  • Give advice on activities and exercises that help with physical, functional, or developmental concerns
  • Provide strategies to manage the day-to-day activities affected by these concerns
  • Link your patients to rehabilitation services


This service targets Albertans who:

  • Have existing musculoskeletal conditions and/or are awaiting or recovering from bone and/or joint surgery
  • Have questions about their child’s (birth to 18 years) development and well-being
  • Are low income and want to access AHS-funded physiotherapy for a general joint or muscle condition
  • Are still recovering from COVID-19 and have ongoing problems three or more weeks after the appearance of COVID-19 symptoms
  • Have existing physical disabilities related to neurological conditions (e.g.: Parkinson’s, SCI, BI, stroke, MS)


  • Call 1.833.379.0563 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday – Friday
  • No referral required

Download their poster

You can find and reference previously spotlighted services in the community partner spotlight archive.