For on-demand access, we have posted the recordings from the recent billing webinar and the quick cardiovascular (CVD) risk screening webinar to our CME & PD archive for review whenever it fits your schedule.
You can watch the full two-hour billing recording or jump to a topic in the recording:
- Key claims information
- Verifying coverage (and good faith claims)
- Submission deadlines
- Time-based services, immunizations, and encounters
- Virtual care
- Complex care and consultations
- Other visits and patient care (billing specifics for psychotherapy, admission to addiction facility, pre-op history and physical, palliative care, home visits, capacity determination, advice to pharmacist, phone advice, consultations, visits with procedures, etc.)
- Q&A
You can watch the full one-hour recording of CVD risk screening or jump to a topic in the recording:
- Enhanced lipid reporting overview and benefits
- A family physician’s experience (how to implement, challenges, success, and how to use this change for PPIP)
- Implementation lessons from primary care and lab feedback
Visit the CME & PD archive to watch these recordings — or the parts of interest — when it fits into your schedule.