Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Alberta Back Care pathway

Jan 26, 2022

Alberta Back Care pathway

Jan 26, 2022

In 2022, we partnered with the Alberta Back Care pathway (ABCp) research project to offer our members the opportunity to participate in the three-year study and support their low back pain patients with its low- or no-cost interventions, including GLA:D Back.

GLA:D Back is a small group education, exercise, or education and exercise program (in person or online) conducted by trained physiotherapists, chiropractors, or kinesiologists. It promotes self-management for patients with low back pain.

There are minimal requirements to start participating in the ABCp study, and many benefits:

  • You can use your current 10-minute exam to assess and place patients into one of six categories.
  • Each category has its own prognosis, evidence-based interventions, and list of procedures to avoid.
  • Interventions are provided at low or no cost to the patient (including GLA:D Back when appropriate for the patient).
  • Patient oversight remains with the physician who will receive full reporting.

If you are interested in participating in the ABCp, please email Member Services & Engagement, and we will connect you with the research team.

Please remember to complete the minimal onboarding requirements if you sign up.