Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

AH town hall: PCN-regional networks transition

May 17, 2024

AH town hall: PCN-regional networks transition

May 17, 2024

Alberta Health (AH) hosted a town hall on the transition of PCNs to regional networks in mid-May.

Highlights from the event included:

  • Regional networks — a key initiative of the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS) initiative — will be positioned to allocate resources that enable equity of access and improved outcomes for both attached and unattached patients.
  • Regional networks will build on the strengths of PCNs and address gaps, be responsible for meeting the primary health care needs of the population within a defined geographic region, and support primary care providers in the delivery of care and enable more integrated care across regions.
  • It is currently unknown how many regional networks there will be or the areas they will serve. AH is embarking on a consultation process to determine how they will be designed and implemented.
  • Engagement/consultation with family physicians, which could include a survey, is planned for the fall. PCN leadership will also be asked to meet with Alberta Health.
  • The design of regional networks is planned for August – October. Pilot and transition planning will take place between November and February 2025.
  • Not all regional networks will be launched at the same time. PCNs will continue their existing work in the meantime. Zone structures will continue.

Resources for those interested in finding out more about regional networks and the “evolution” of PCNs: Presentation slides from the town hall and FAQ.