Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

2022 CWC PCN Patient Experience Survey results

Mar 29, 2023

2022 CWC PCN Patient Experience Survey results

Mar 29, 2023

After analyzing the results of our yearly Patient Experience Survey, we were pleased to see 98 per cent of respondents rate their overall quality of care between good and excellent.

In addition:

  • Ninety-six per cent of respondents felt confident with their self-management skills after their provider visit. Patients felt confident about managing their conditions and were prepared to deal with daily problems following their visit.
  • Ninety-six per cent of respondents found their visit helpful, regardless of appointment type (in-person, virtual, or video). Patients felt heard by their providers and had enough time during their appointment to discuss concerns or questions.
  • Ninety-four per cent of respondents were satisfied with virtual care appointments (video and phone). The appointment method did not impact patient access to meaningful care.

The survey is used to generate feedback regarding the care patients receive from our Primary Care Registered Nurses (PCRNs).

We are proud to see the positive impact the hard work of our PCRNs has on patients’ well-being. The results of this survey are used to make improvements and inform future program and service developments.

To help us generate a more comprehensive understanding of the impact of our programs, we are working with other teams to determine the best way to obtain feedback.