Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Community partner spotlight: Colon cancer screening centre

Feb 6, 2025

Community partner spotlight: Colon cancer screening centre

Feb 6, 2025

The Forzani & MacPhail Colon Cancer Screening Centre (CCSC) focuses on the screening and detection of colon cancer, using colonoscopy as the primary screening tool.

You can use their referral form to refer eligible patients — eligibility details on the form and below — who will be triaged based on their colon cancer risk factors.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Aged less than 75 years with valid Alberta Health Care coverage and eligible reason for referral (listed below)
  • Asymptomatic (no GI signs or concerning symptoms requiring specialist consultation)
  • No medical conditions that would increase the risk of sedation or colonoscopy; not on Coumadin

Eligible reasons for referral:

  • Positive FIT performed in an asymptomatic individual for colon cancer screening
  • Personal history of colon cancer or adenomatous polyps
  • Family history of colon cancer or adenomatous polyps
  • 50 – 75 years old, asymptomatic, and no personal or family history of polyps or colon cancer (average risk screening)

Referral process:

  • A physician referral is required via the CCSC referral form.
  • You can submit the referral by fax to 403.944.3838 or call 403.944.3800 with inquiries.
  • It is critical to keep CCSC informed of any changes with the patient that could affect priority or eligibility.
  • Incomplete referrals, referrals for patients who do not meet current screening guidelines, and referrals that do not meet eligibility criteria will not be accepted and will be returned to the referring physician.

Referrals are triaged based on the individual’s risk factors for colon cancer. For people at average risk, the wait time is 24-plus months, and an annual FIT is recommended.

Triage categories (and expected wait times):

  • Urgent priority risk: Positive FIT (under six weeks)
  • Urgent risk: Very strong family history of colon cancer or advanced polyps, or personal history of polyps or cancer (under three months)
  • Moderate risk: Family history of colon cancer (under six months)
  • Average risk: No personal or family history of colon cancer (24-plus months)

You can find and reference previously spotlighted services in the community partner spotlight archive.