Two new primary care webinar series from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry start in January for free.
A three-part series of one-hour webinars starting at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays about managing renal disease and lipids in patients with diabetes:
- Jan. 21: Team Up for Health: Integrating Diabetes and Kidney Care
- Feb. 11: From Sugar Highs to Fat Fries: The Latest in Diabetes and Lipid Management
- March 4: Your Diabetes Dilemmas (Comment on Real-Life Cases)
- Register for one or more webinars in the series
A two-part series of one-hour Tuesday webinars starting at noon on how to diagnose and identify patients at risk of NAFLD/MASLD plus a clinical pathway:
- Jan. 28: Liver in the Fast Lane: Diagnosing, Preventing, and Understanding NAFLD/MASLD
- Feb. 4: From Fat to Fit: Navigating NAFLD/MASLD Treatment and Referral Roadmaps
- Register for one or both webinars