Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Project Warmth Society of Alberta

Nov 28, 2024

Project Warmth Society of Alberta

Nov 28, 2024

Project Warmth Society of Alberta (Project Warmth) is a registered charitable association that assists the homeless and the underprivileged with blankets, gloves, sleeping bags, scarves, parkas, and items of warm clothing that are donated to those in need.

Project Warmth:

  • Collects donations year-round with drop-off locations at any fire station at any time
  • Assisted over 1,000 people in October and more in November

Visit their website


Project Warmth partners with over 50 agencies in Calgary to provide warm clothing and blankets to:

  • Unhoused and low-income people
  • New Canadians
  • School-aged children

Referral Process

Partner agencies can refer their clients to Project Warmth:

  • A case worker sends a referral form completed on behalf of their client, and once a request is filled, the case worker or client will pick up the items from the distribution centre.
  • Clients will need to be able to provide their information and the information of their case worker upon pick up.

Unfortunately, demand has been very high, so referrals are temporarily closed as of this spotlight’s publication date.

Our PCN’s Social Worker team works alongside Project Warmth to provide outdoor gear to patients identified as having this need.