Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

MAPS July town hall

Aug 2, 2024

MAPS July town hall

Aug 2, 2024

A town hall was held on July 31 to share updates on the progress of the Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care System (MAPS) implementation plan and the transition of PCNs to regional networks.

Highlights included:

  • The new Primary Care Provincial Health Agency, previously referred to as the Primary Care Organization, will be “stood up” in the fall and be responsible for strategic leadership, planning, funding and oversight of primary health care in Alberta.
  • The new agency and Alberta Health will jointly plan the transition of PCNs to regional networks, including a review of PCN funding.
  • Consultation meetings have been held with all 39 PCNs — our PCN participated in June — and a second round of consultations with PCNs and zones will begin in August with design workshops scheduled for October.
  • As part of the stakeholder consultation plan, a physician survey is set to be conducted in August and September.
  • A plan for transitioning to regional networks is due to be completed in December; not all PCNs will transition at the same time.

Review the town hall summary