Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Share your expertise with the public this fall

Aug 8, 2024

Share your expertise with the public this fall

Aug 8, 2024

Our PCN proudly features our members and their expertise in our social media and e-newsletters throughout the year.

We are looking for members who would be willing to share their knowledge in a planned series of informative features this fall on:

  • Flu shots/immunizations
  • Dealing with acne
  • Suicide prevention (World Suicide Prevention Day is Sept. 10)
  • Breastfeeding (National Breastfeeding Week is celebrated in Canada Oct. 1 – 7)

Our aim is to feature our members in our communications to the public (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and patient e-newsletter) and potentially in our physician and staff e-newsletters.

Our ask is minimal:

  • Complete a consent form where you determine where we can use your content
  • Share your expertise on one of the topics in five sentences or less

If you are interested in participating in this series, please contact your Physician Liaison to get involved. They will follow up with the form and some questions to help you shape your response.

Thank you to all the members who have previously participated.