Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Introducing Dr. Erin Nicholls

Jun 12, 2024

Introducing Dr. Erin Nicholls

Jun 12, 2024

Meet Dr. Erin Nicholls, a physician since 2015 and member of our PCN who works at Avenue Health.

Which CWC PCN program or service do you find most valuable?

The services I find most valuable are after-hours lab coverage and the ultrasound machine.

What is a patient or physician program, service, or resource that you would like other physicians to know?

A free useful tool I use a lot is LactMed (for medication safety with breastfeeding). The quickest way to get your answer is to Google “Lactmed (drug name)”.

Do you have a special interest within your practice?

I take referrals for prenatal care (with delivery out of RGH) and long-acting contraception (IUDs, Nexplanon, both insertion and removal).

Watch for more articles about our members in this series to foster a sense of connection amongst our membership and our teams. Members are asked to participate based on random draws.