Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Welcome to

May 7, 2024

Welcome to

May 7, 2024

Introducing our new website for members:

We know physicians need tools that save you time!

With, you can quickly find our news articles, programs and services information, forms, and more — all in one place online (no password needed):

  • No time-consuming searching through your inbox to find old Examiner articles — just visit’s news page
  • Use predictive search to find what you are looking for quickly
  • See upcoming CME & PD opportunities and events from our PCN and external partners in one sortable listing

Add our website for members,, to your bookmarks, set it as your home page, or save it as a shortcut — whatever works best for you. (You can use the quick links on the website to quickly jump to other websites for physicians, making your online hub.)

Built on feedback:

Thank you to the many members who shared their thoughts about a new physician-facing website in interviews and focus groups and to our Medical Director for her input.

With their feedback and additional expertise, we built and refined to be a website that:

  • Puts a premium on having web pages that can quickly get you to the information you want
  • Improves site search and navigation menus
  • Consolidates resources for your clinic (privacy, OHS, posters) on one web page

You can watch a brief video to get a tour of the new website and its functionality in less than two minutes or explore on your own.

Programs & Services Guide: We have also updated our Programs & Services Guide to complement the new website with:

  • Updated links to
  • Revised role profiles
  • Information about our member-facing communications that keep you up to date

We are always looking to improve, so please share your feedback with your Physician Liaison.

Questions? Contact your Physician Liaison for answers and information about our PCN.