Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Prostate Cancer Centre

Nov 6, 2023

Prostate Cancer Centre

Nov 6, 2023

The Prostate Cancer Centre is a medical centre dedicated to the fight against prostate cancer and making positive impacts on men’s health.

The centre provides comprehensive prostate care to patients and their families:

  • Post-operative nursing care (catheter/staple removal, injection clinics, bone health assessment and other related clinics, and milestone assessments up to five years)
  • Peer support, education, awareness, and community outreach with the Man Van mobile health clinic
  • Research (including clinical trials and genetic testing for metastatic patients)


Calgary Zone patients on their prostate cancer journey and their families and caregivers.

Referral Process

Physicians can refer their patients using the Facilitated Access to Specialized Treatment (FAST) Program – Urology where each patient is assigned a urologist, linking them to the Prostate Cancer Centre.