Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Rheumatologist closing practice

Dec 9, 2022

Rheumatologist closing practice

Dec 9, 2022

The Division of Rheumatology at the University of Calgary regrets to inform you that Dr. Paul MacMullan has closed his practice. All future visits scheduled with him are cancelled.

This is NOT notice that we are discharging your patient back to your care. This is a generic letter to all providers in family medicine to alert them to this change. Most of these patients will be REASSIGNED to a new Rheumatologist.

If we are discharging a patient back to your care, we will provide a separate letter addressed to you with the patients information and suggestions to guide care moving forward.

We are requesting that while we are re-assigning patients and finding coverage, that you help by refilling prescriptions as you are able and comfortable. Lab results for monitoring are likely already copied to you.

Please do NOT re-refer your patients en masse to Rheumatology.

If prior to being reassigned and seen by their new Rheumatologist patients are flaring, they can contact Dr. MacMullan’s office at 403.55.8726 and we will arrange for alternative care on an as needed basis.

If there is a question we could answer to help you provide bridging care in the medical home, please call Specialist Link at 403.910.2551 or and we will provide advice to help you care for patients.

If you think the patient has been discharged in error or needs to see a Rheumatologist sooner than we have arranged, please send a referral with the details to Central Access and Triage via Connect Care (preferable) or fax 403.955.8199.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your assistance while we find new care providers for patients.

Kind Regards,

Dr. Steven Thomson BMSC MSc MD (he/his)
Clinical Assistant Professor
Residency Program Director
Rheumatology CAT Director

Download the letter: Paul MacMullan closing practice notice