Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Breastfeeding Clinic at Westglen Medical Centre  

Mar 16, 2021

Breastfeeding Clinic at Westglen Medical Centre  

Mar 16, 2021

The Westglen Medical Centre Breastfeeding Clinic, located in the southwest, is a full-service, physician-based lactation clinic serving the Calgary West Central PCN.    

We are open six days a week with some evenings. Same-day appointments are available.

Physician team:

  • Dr. Chantal Barry B.Sc. M.Sc. M.D. CCFP IBCLC
  • Dr. Shirline Chia, M.D. CCFP IBCLC
  • Dr. Brian Hartman, MD, CCFP, IBCLC
  • Dr. Kathy Truong, MD, CCFP, IBCLC
  • Dr. Ibiye Briggs MD CCFP
  • Dr. Alexandra Currie MD CCFP

We manage nipple pain, latch, tongue tie, lip tie, inverted/flat nipples, low supply, oversupply, mastitis, plugged ducts, twins, preemies, congenital abnormalities, Down Syndrome, feeding plans, reflux, yeast infections, diaper rash, teething, weaning, starting solids, and anything else that comes our way! 

We are accepting physician referrals! 

Please check out our website today:

For urgent referrals please call 403-240-2258.