Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

2023 AGM results

Oct 11, 2023

2023 AGM results

Oct 11, 2023

Three physician members were appointed to the Board by acclamation at the 2023 AGM on Oct. 3:

  • Dr. Antony Ng
  • Dr. Mileva Stojanovic
  • Dr. Vincent Vong

Three candidates were standing for election to three open Board positions, so a balloted election was unnecessary.

Members passed a motion to appoint the candidates and additional motions to approve the audited financial statements and appoint the auditor.

You can get to know more about them on the Board of Directors web page. We will update the Board of Directories and committee web pages as details are settled.

Thank you to the 136 members who participated in the AGM by attending live or by proxy, the candidates, and the departing directors:

  • Dr. Jagdeep Doulla
  • Dr. Theresa Truong