Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Community partner spotlight: Dementia Network Calgary

Jan 3, 2023

Community partner spotlight: Dementia Network Calgary

Jan 3, 2023

Dementia Network Calgary (DNC) works to improve the quality of life for everyone impacted by dementia: The person with dementia and their family members, friends, and community.

DNC provides:

  • Conversation Cafes that bring people together to share experiences and information in a facilitated, confidential setting
  • Community gatherings to discuss relevant topics for people impacted by dementia
  • Resources for caregivers that they can print at home


  • Anyone with a connection to dementia or an interest in it — a diagnosis is not necessary


  • All upcoming Conversation Cafes, community gatherings, and education opportunities are on DNC’s events calendar with registration information.
  • Caregiver resources are on their print-at-home tools web page

You can find and reference previously spotlighted services in the community partner spotlight archive.