Calgary West Central Primary Care Network

Community partner spotlight: Immunization

Apr 10, 2023

Community partner spotlight: Immunization

Apr 10, 2023

April is home to Immunization Awareness Week (Monday, April 24 – Sunday, April 30), so we are featuring AHS’s publicly funded immunization clinics for routine vaccines.

Immunization resources you can share with patients:


  • Patients can call Health Link at 811 for help finding a nearby clinic and booking an appointment or search online.
  • For school-aged children, immunizations are offered in schools throughout the Calgary Zone.
  • A clinic for neurodiverse clients is available, and referrals to this clinic come through Public Health and Health Link (811).

The clinics provide additional services related to:

  • Health and care of infant, child, and family
  • Adjustment to parenthood
  • Infant feeding, nutrition, normal growth, and development
  • Health information and referral to community services

COVID-19 immunizations and influenza immunizations are offered in separate clinics with appointments booked through the Alberta Vaccine Booking System.

You can find and reference previously spotlighted services in the community partner spotlight archive.